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Oklahoma Humanities has diverse funding sources that enable us to connect Oklahomans to the power of ideas. We rely on individual gifts, corporate underwriters, and foundation grants to start conversations, inspire curiosity, and promote understanding. We are deeply appreciative of our generous donors and supporters. Thank you!


Oklahoma Humanities is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization, registered with the Oklahoma Secretary of State. Your gifts are tax-deductible to the full extent allowed by law. 

Oklahoma Humanities EIN: 730951965

Donate Now!

Gifts are accepted securely online, or can be mailed to our office at

424 Colcord Drive, Suite E, Oklahoma City, OK 73102.

Leave a Legacy

Planned Giving

Oklahoma Humanities has served Oklahoma for nearly 50 years, offering lifelong learning opportunities based in the rich and deep scholarship of the humanities disciplines.

One way that you can leave a legacy is by endowing an Oklahoma Humanities program with a bequest. This can be as simple as naming Oklahoma Humanities as a beneficiary on your retirement plan or in your will. Your gift would then be invested and grow over time, allowing you to continue to support Oklahoma Humanities in perpetuity.

A legacy society has been created to thank our long-term supporters who have identified Oklahoma Humanities in their estate plans. In gratitude, we recognize the founding members of this society:

Connie Fisher, Sand Springs
Ann Thompson, Oklahoma City
Martin R. Wing, Tulsa

We appreciate their generosity and hope that you, too, will consider a legacy gift to Oklahoma Humanities so future generations will have cultural opportunities and experiences readily available to them. Please contact our office if we can assist you in any way: (405) 235-0280.

Underwrite a Program

Thank you to our Generous Sponsors!

In recognition of our visionary sponsors who believe in and support the important work of Oklahoma Humanities:


The National Endowment for the Humanities | Kirkpatrick Family Fund | Oklahoma City Community Foundation

$5,000 TO $9,999

Kirschner Trusts Affiliated Fund & The Oklahoma City Community Foundation
The Pauline Dwyer Macklanburg & Robert A. Macklanburg, Jr. Foundation
McCasland Foundation | The Anne & Henry Zarrow Foundation

UP TO $2,500

BancFirst | Oklahoma Christian University | Arvest Bank | Full Circle Bookstore
Home Creations | Jones PR | Metro Technology Centers | Oklahoma City University | The Kerr Family Foundation | T.S. Phillips Investments, Inc. | OU Humanities Forum


Interested in becoming a Sponsor?

We have several unique and engaging programs from which to choose!

  • Let's Talk About It: Provides libraries, prisons and other nonprofits the resources needed for a series of scholar-led book discussions.

  • Museum on Main Street: Brings a Smithsonian Institution traveling exhibit to rural Oklahoma communities.

  • Oklahoma Humanities Magazine: An award-winning, educational publication distributed free-of-charge to Oklahomans in all 77 counties. The magazine features scholarly articles for the general reader.

Please contact our office to discuss how we can tailor a package for your business needs:


Donor Stories

While serving on the executive committee of the Northwestern OSU Foundation Board of Directors, I traveled to meetings in Alva from my home in Enid once per month—for eleven years. To avoid the monotony and boredom of the drive, I began to scout all the different routes for the trip. I drove through every small town in Northwest Oklahoma.

After I was appointed to the Board of the Oklahoma Humanities Council (OHC) by Governor Henry, I learned that some of these small towns were benefitting from grants and humanities programs sponsored by OHC. I knew these programs were a boon to rural communities, so in my travels I began to stop at schools and libraries to drop off brochures on the educational opportunities that OHC could help underwrite.

I was surprised that many of these organizations had not really heard about OHC and the good works we make happen every day. Pretty soon, applications from schools, libraries, museums, and community festivals started to pour into our office and we were pleased to help fund most of them. Next came the wonderful thank-you notes from grateful librarians, teachers, and community leaders.

It still amazes me that small grants from OHC can make such a big difference in small-town Oklahoma. A little seed money from the Council encourages funding from local donors and businesses and, together, we make a big impact on the cultural life of individuals and communities. That is one of the many reasons I give to OHC and I would encourage all of you to consider OHC in your gifting plans.

-- John K. Martin, Enid | Former OH Board of Trustees Treasurer

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